Zubora Sloth


What is Zubora?

Zubora is a JavaScript Unit Test File Generator. It is made for zubora ("lazy" in Japanese) developers. It reads your JavaScript/TypeScript modules and automatically generates unit test templates for you.

Try it in playground!

Currently, we support the following languages:

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript

We also provide a plugin for CoffeeScript that works with zubora-cli.

Why Zubora?

Bootstrap writing tests: There are tons of modules that have zero tests. You, and other developers, have to maintain those modules with fear. Zubora encourages developers to write tests by creating test templates.

Code as it’s going to be abandoned anytime soon, write test otherwise.

How to use

Try it in playground. Then install zubora-cli in your dev environment.

Special Thanks

Huge thanks to my partner for drawing me the zubora sloth, and supporting me always.